
Jesús Antonio Juárez Dévora (GatomanJuarez)

Hello, I am an entrepreneur who wants to change the business culture of technology companies, in order to make them a better place to work.
I have my own company called "S.A.E." Always improving our products and services so that the client has the best user experience.
I consider myself a little gamer and geek, I am self-taught and proactive (I like to be), I am very innovative, whenever I use an application, game, app, etc.,
I am always thinking of ways to modify and add new things so that the application has the tools that the user uses, I am always thinking about how to
innovate the things I use so that customers have a better user experience. I am very restless, I am always looking for the way to create new things.
In my company we do not work, we do our passions and our hobbies all the time.